StoneDecor is the brand for one of the main sub-products made with vStone ST.

Using a large range of substrates, available on the market, and a special technology for the gluing process, StoneDecor is a multifunction board with an infinite possibility of applications.

The standard substrates, or bases, available are:

– Wood particleboard;

– Standard MDF and colored MDF;

– Plywood;

– Agglomerated cork;

– Many other substrates can be supplied under request and after industrial testes.

The thicknesses for the StoneDecor are the same as the available for the substrates. Please consult our standard availability.

StoneDecor can also be supplied finished with varnish or just with a sealant. On any case a master sample should be approved by customer.

Main applications:

There’s a huge range of applications for the StoneDecor, covering all types of furniture, decorations, acoustic panels, doors, cladding panels, ceilings, etc. .

A special care selecting the substrate for the outdoor applications should be taken.

Cut to size and edging services

StoneDecor range of solutions, are available with a cut to size and edged service, under request, and adjusted to your needs.

Request please a quotation for your specific case, contacting our services, using our phone or email: